St. Andrew’s Listening in Love forum offers opportunities to listen with respect across disagreement. In our culture where interest groups, political parties, and communication platforms cultivate divisiveness to serve their own purposes, the Church can raise up a contrast model of civil engagement by providing opportunities to practice curiosity, honor difference, and learn from opposing points of view, all with a goal of building our skills in listening to those with whom we disagree. Doing so, we honor our baptismal-covenant promises to seek and serve Christ in all persons and to respect the dignity of every human being.
Discussions will be held in the Jewell Room at 7pm on the last Tuesday of each month.
Topic: Education: Are we failing our teachers? Are we failing our students?
Topic: Social Media Concerns (e.g., presenting false and unrealistic images of what is normal; fears surrounding Artificial Intelligence; amplifying divisions/polarization)
Topic: Israel/Hamas: Where is my tribe?
Topic: Politics in a Presidential Year