Serve at St. Andrew's

Share God’s healing love here at St. Andrew’s! Serve during worship, help with administrative tasks, cook a meal to take to a St. Andrew’s member or family,  or find another way to serve that fits your schedule.

Sign Up to Serve at St. Andrew's

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Worship & Music


Acolytes lead processions, bearing crosses, candles, and flags; and they serve at the altar, helping to prepare Holy Communion. All young people, 6th through 12th grade, are welcome to join this special ministry.

Altar Guild

Altar Guild prepares the church for worship. Members lovingly care for the vestments, linens, and silver used at the altar. They also tend to the candles and flowers, and they manage the bread and wine needed for Communion. The guild gathers several times each year for fellowship and training.

Eucharistic Ministers

Eucharistic Ministers (EMs) assist the clergy distribute the bread and wine of Holy Communion. You will see them at Sunday services, wearing white robes and offering you the chalice. EMs also serve at special services and funerals as needed.


Greeters are the face of St. Andrew’s because they’re the people visitors meet first. Greeters are stationed at the church doors to offer a friendly “good morning.” They’re also responsible for helping visitors and newcomers find their way around the building, such as guiding parents and kids to the nursery and Children’s Chapel/Sunday School.


Lectors proclaim the Word of God by reading Scripture during worship. Lectors need a confident speaking voice and a desire to bring to life the stories of the Bible.

The Order of St. Luke

The Order of Saint Luke (OSL) is a healing ministry whose members pray with and for parishioners during Communion. OSL members commit themselves to daily prayer and Scripture reading, regular worship, sharing the Gospel with others, and regular meetings for learning and growing together in Christ.

Parish Choir / St. Andrew's Singers

The Parish Choir sings weekly at the 10:15 a.m. service and additional opportunities as scheduled. Membership is by audition to all who have sung in a choir, have pitch recall, and work toward rhythmic accuracy. Rehearsals are Wednesday, 7-8:15 p.m., September through May. Members must attend scheduled rehearsals.

The St. Andrew’s Singers sing at Evensong, Christmas Eve Midnight Mass, Holy Week Services, other services, and special events as scheduled. Membership is by audition in addition to a membership in the Parish Choir. Rehearsals are Wednesday, 6:15-7 p.m., September through May, and at other times as needed.


Ushers greet newcomers and old friends alike as they enter the nave for worship, handing out bulletins and answering questions. During worship, they collect the offering and present the bread and wine at the altar. After the liturgy, the ushers pick up the bulletins and rearrange the prayer books and hymnals in the pews.

Other Opportunities

Administrative Tasks

Volunteers answer the office phone, let visitors in, welcome people into the office, and help with a variety of administrative tasks. If you can work a morning or afternoon regularly on Tuesday through Friday, or if you’d like to be part of a volunteer substitute pool, we’d love to have you! .

Connection Partners

Connection Partners is a program of the Engagement Commission. St. Andrew’s has a large membership and it can be a bit overwhelming to build relationships and volunteer for ministries and activities when you are new. Connection Partners introduce new members to other parishioners and aid them in connecting to ministries and involvement.

Garden Guild

The Garden Guild includes men and women ranging from master gardeners to people who simply have an interest in keeping our church grounds beautiful while spending time outdoors with fellow members “digging in the dirt!” We welcome all ages and usually gather in the spring and the fall for a thorough clean-up that includes raking, pruning, trimming, planting, and fun.

HJ's Baristas

Baristas make and serve regular or specialty coffees and welcome visitors to HJ’s Youth and Community Center across the street from St. Andrew’s. HJ’s Cafe is open Monday through Saturday from 8-11 a.m.


Hospitality is one of St. Andrew’s spiritual gifts, and we need many hands and hearts to live out that gift week to week. Every Sunday morning, volunteers help support Coffee Hour by providing cookies and other snacks. And our many parish gatherings through the year – such as the Feast of the First Tomato, the Mardi Gras Party, and St. Andrew’s Sunday to name just a few – all need volunteer support.

Loaves & Fishes

Loaves & Fishes gives the gift of love and food to our members in times of illness and loss by providing them a fully prepared meal to enjoy.

Pastoral Care

It doesn’t take a clerical collar to offer a pastoral presence. If you have a heart for listening to others, consider getting involved in our pastoral care ministries. You could be a Eucharistic visitor who takes Holy Communion to people who can’t get to church, visit parishioners in hospitals and nursing facilities, be part of the SweeneyCare telephone ministry, or enjoy a cup of coffee with someone at HJ’s Youth and Community Center.

Tech Guild

Tech Guild works on producing our worship livestream each week and makes sure it is functioning properly for our online viewers. This includes running the video slides and checking sound quality.