What is Epiphany?
Epiphany is a great occasion to welcome people into God’s beloved community. This holy day marks the turn in the salvation story whereby the Good News begins to draw in people beyond the boundaries of the people of Israel. The magi were astrologers, naturalists of their day observing the created order for signs of divine activity and direction. They saw a star that led them to seek the new king of Israel, the ruler who would be so much more than anyone expected. The Epiphany season celebrates Christ’s revelation as the light of the world, bringing life and hope, and shining brightest in our relationship with God and one another. Observed on January 6, the Feast of the Epiphany marks the Wise Men’s arrival to honor the Christ child in Bethlehem. The term “Epiphany,” derived from the Greek word meaning “manifestation” or “revealing,” signifies Jesus making God known to all. This feast concludes the Christmas season, which spans the Twelve Days of Christmas from December 25 to January 5, with some cultures celebrating January 5, or Twelfth Night, with feasting and festivities.
Liturgical Colors Timeline:
White, the festival color of the Church, is used for the Feast of the Epiphany, the days leading up to it, and the following Sunday, commemorating Jesus’ Baptism. The “Sundays after the Epiphany,” lasting 4-9 weeks depending on Easter’s date, are marked by green, representing the Church’s life and growth.
White: Sunday, Dec. 25 – Sunday, Jan. 12 (Baptism of Our Lord)
Green: Sunday, Jan. 19 – Sunday, March 2
Events during Epiphany
January 12: Epiphany Service Featuring The Three Kings (magi) – Come take your picture!
January 18: MLK Evensong with Bishop Curry at Grace and Holy Trinity Cathedral @ 4PM.
January 18: Free Store at St. James Church – Contact Melissa Rock (msrock01@gmail.com) for more info.
Jan. 23 – Feb. 27: Epiphany Outreach Series Begins – Dinner at 5:30PM, Program begins at 6PM.
January 24: Trivia Night! Hosted by St. Andrew’s Youth Ministry @ 6PM – ALL are welcome! Contact veronica@standrewkc.org.
January 26: St. Andrew’s Annual Meeting – New here? Existing member? Learn about St. Andrew’s, breakfast is served at 9:30 AM.
March 4: Shrove Tuesday Boy Scouts Pancake Dinner @ 5PM / HJ’s Building.